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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

HUD 2015

2015 Head's Up Display

  1. Play a Dresden Files story arc. 
  2. Lose Weight - get under 200 and stay there.
  3. Paint Cygnar Mini's
    • Cyclone Heavy Warjack
    • Eiryss Mage Hunter
    • Cygnar Firefly Light Warjack
    • Cygnar Squire 
    • Three casters - eCaine, pHaley, and Kara Sloan
  4. Paint Trollbloods Bomber/Blitzer
  5. Play 10 Warma/Hordes games
  6.  240-ish Bones Minis!!!
Last year's 2014 HUD,  2013 HUD and  2012 HUD.

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