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Friday, September 26, 2014

New minis and new paint

I broke down and bought new minis today. The first is the Cygnar Character Heavy 'jack Ol'Rowdy. He fills in several of Stryker's theme lists and is pretty cool all on his own. He can charge without paying focus and he can counter charge if someone gets too close. He is a all metal 'jack and I foresee pinning in my future. 


The next mini I got was the Trollbloods plastic kit that can build a Blitzer, Bomber, or Mauler. Or,with good magnets the Blitzer and Bomber! I already have one of the old metal Maulers and I thought the painting would suffer if I tried to magnetize the back piece. 

I also purchased 2starter kits of the P3 paints. Until now, I have mostly been using craft paints. They had lots of pigment and didn't cost an arm and a leg for an ounce. I also have used old citadel paint and was not a big fan. The only ones I really like we're the old citadel washes. Now... I may never paint with anything else! I know I am late to the party but these flow off the brush, cover well and naturally shade into the other colors. I'm a happy girl!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Painting Again

Finally painting again. I have had 3 casters sitting around base coated forever. Now they are starting to shape up. Left to right is eCaine, pHaley, and Kara Sloan. A new game store opened near my house and it seems like a nice place. 10 min drive as opposed to a 45 min drive is nice too!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Trollbloods on Adobe Illustrator

I wanted a new background for my desktop and I couldn't find a Trollbloods one that I liked.  So I downloaded Adobe Illustrator and made one.  It took a while but I am pretty happy with it!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Workout Videos

Week 1 Video 1

Week 1 Video 2

Week 1 Video 3

Week 1 Video 4

Week 2 Video 1 

Week 2 Video 2 - need exercise ball

Week 2 Video 3

Week 2 Video 4 - Women's Power Sculpt

Week 2 Video 5 - Men's Power Sculpt

Week 2 Video 6 - Low Intensity Cardio

Week 2 Video 7 - High Intensity Cardio for Women

Week 2 Video 8 - High Intensity Cardio for Men

Week 2 Video 9 - Cool Down

Cardio Last Chance Workout - 60 min

Super Strength Beginner

Super Strength - Bob 60 min

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

HUD 2014

2014 Head's Up Display
  1. Cyclone Heavy Warjack
  2. Eiryss Mage Hunter
  3. Cygnar Firefly Light Warjack
  4. Cygnar Squire
  5. Three casters - eCaine, pHaley, and Kara Sloan
  6. Paint Trollbloods Bomber/Blitzer
  7. Finish Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords story arc
  8. Play 10 Warma/Hordes games
  9.  240-ish Bones Minis!!!
Last year's 2013 HUD and  2012 HUD.

Label Cloud

Mini's Past