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Thursday, January 13, 2022

Trencher Theme Force

Dang end of year sales!!  I couldn't help myself.  The tiny soldiers needed a good home and they were 50% off.  No matter that I already have a full squad of Trencher Infantry.  No mater that I have been playing Trollbloods online.  At least it made me get out my mini's and start working on them again.

Inside the box and added to my collection:

10x Trencher Infantry

2x Officer and Sniper

3x Grenadier UAs

1x Trencher Master Gunner solo

1x Patrol Dog solo

1x Commander Anson Hitch solo

1x Trencher Cannon Unit (1 large and 2 small bases)

I also updated my sidebars with my progress and I hope to airbrush base coats this weekend.


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