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Thursday, June 24, 2010
Quick Update
Tomorrow is the last day of our three week Warmachine campaign. I have been able to get in 4 games and I had a great time. I played against Trollbloods, Mercenaries and twice against Retribution. My win/loss record isn't that great but I am learning more each time I play. I am really enjoying the system. I am also looking forward to the release of Hordes MKII which will be out soon. I haven't touched my Circle stuff in a while but I know I will be buying the new core book and the faction deck. Now where can I scrounge up another $55...
Shattered Grounds,
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I Kicked Butt!
So, in my last post, I wrote about how my Cygnar warcaster Haley got eaten by a Earthborn Dire Troll (picture below). I played a great game, aggressive and threatening his warlock. I lost but I was really happy with the game and it wouldn't have taken much for it to go my way.
Well, as I was writing my post, I wanted to include my opponents Trollblood's list. I started piecing it together from what I remembered but I couldn't get it to equal 35pts. I messaged him and asked for his list so I could read up on the mini's. This is what I got back.
@9:30pm, he wrote:
Earthborn Dire Troll
Dire Troll Bomber
Troll Axer
5 Long Riders
6 Pygmy Burrowers
Fell Caller Hero
Stone Scribe Chronicler
I believe that was the whole list.
@10:30pm, he wrote:
HOLY &#!+! WE PLAYED A 35 POINT GAME! I played 50 points against you, I am so sorry. I'm gonna let [the Press Ganger] know and give you the win for that night and fix our cards. I am so sorry. It was still a good game, but you totally should have won. I think it was because I had just played a 50 point game, and I just f@#$ up. I'm sorry, I hope we can play a real game again sometime.
I think it clicked when he was sending the info to our Press Ganger. Either way, I feel really good about the game! It was a really fun game and I liked the way I played. Now I know he had a 15pt advantage and I was still doing good. I don't know if I would have won with equal points but I can't wait to give it a try =)
Well, as I was writing my post, I wanted to include my opponents Trollblood's list. I started piecing it together from what I remembered but I couldn't get it to equal 35pts. I messaged him and asked for his list so I could read up on the mini's. This is what I got back.
@9:30pm, he wrote:
Earthborn Dire Troll
Dire Troll Bomber
Troll Axer
5 Long Riders
6 Pygmy Burrowers
Fell Caller Hero
Stone Scribe Chronicler
I believe that was the whole list.
@10:30pm, he wrote:
HOLY &#!+! WE PLAYED A 35 POINT GAME! I played 50 points against you, I am so sorry. I'm gonna let [the Press Ganger] know and give you the win for that night and fix our cards. I am so sorry. It was still a good game, but you totally should have won. I think it was because I had just played a 50 point game, and I just f@#$ up. I'm sorry, I hope we can play a real game again sometime.
I think it clicked when he was sending the info to our Press Ganger. Either way, I feel really good about the game! It was a really fun game and I liked the way I played. Now I know he had a 15pt advantage and I was still doing good. I don't know if I would have won with equal points but I can't wait to give it a try =)
Battle Report,
Shattered Grounds,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
League Game
So I got to play a league game last night. My LGS is hosting Privateer Press's Shattered Grounds League. We are currently in the Blasted Heath movement of the campaign. (You can check out the map here) I missed the Nightfall part with the move but I am excited about the league. Apparently, the campaign last year determined the release schedule for the new codex books. Not sure what this year will bring but I like the real world application.
I played my Cygnar against Trollbloods last night. I felt really good about the way I played. I was aggressive in my style and his warlock was in danger beginning in turn 2. I believe he killed Haley in turn 4 but there were some great moments. My Hunter was able to advance deploy on an impassible cliff and snipe at people (including the Madrack, his warlock) all game long. Two full units of Long Gunners with Officer attachments were shooting anywhere from 26-78 shots each turn. Many of these were combined into single shots for more dmg. they were able to clear lines of sight and allow others to target Madrack. My sword knights distracted his Long Riders for a turn and kept them wrapped up in combat for another turn. Much to our surprise, they were also attacked by his Dire Troll Bomber (right) who failed a Threshold check. Finally, his Earthborn Dire Troll trampled its way through my lines and ate Haley!
Great game and new people to play against. What a great evening!

Great game and new people to play against. What a great evening!
Battle Report,
Shattered Grounds,
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Shopping Spree at Privateer Press
So I know this is probably hurting my chances of winning but I thought it would be more fair to put it out there. In exchange for a 3-minute survey, you get the chance to win $150 shopping spree from Privateer Press. It's easy and fast. Here's the link: Shopping Spree - Good luck!
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