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Thursday, February 23, 2012

HUD - Because the Cool Kids Have One

HUD: Projects 2012

  1. Spring Garden
  2. DnD Tiefling
  3. DnD Fighter with Flame Sword
  4. Three Cygnar Bodgers
  5. Ten Cygnar Long Gunners
  6. Fifteen Cygnar Trenchers
  7. Eiryss Mage Hunter
  8. Cygnar Firefly Light Warjack
  9. Cygnar Cyclone Heavy Warjack
  10. Cygnar Squire 
Mik told me all the cool kids have a HUD.  Check the Status Bars to the right for my progress.


    Anonymous said...

    my blog-fu is weak. how did you make your HUD? Good idea!

    MIK said...

    Haha, I love it! You are now officially a cool kid. Plus, your actual HUD pic is incredibly sleek to boot.

    Well played my friend, well played.

    Shelexie said...

    @ Mik - Thanks! I thought you would get a kick out of that =)

    @ Jeff - I'm guessing you are talking about the progress bars to the right. The text is too long so I will post about them in my next blog post. I cut and pasted it from Matthew Harvey (matt at

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