This week we decided to play a 1,000pt game, again using the MKI rules. We play at our local game store,
Albright's in Lexington, Kentucky (they also sell belts and leather works). If you are in the Blue Grass, definitely check them out! Their tables and the folks there are great! My Cygnar list included:
- Darius
- Reinholdt
- Centurion x2
- Hammersmith
- Lt. Caine
- Chargers x2
- Sentinel
- Journeyman Warcaster x2
- Hunter x2
- Eiryss
- Stormsmith
I set up my hunters and Eiryss in the trees near the objective.
I will try to portray Khador's list as best I can in the write up.
Following are a few closeups of Coffey's list:
We rolled for the objective and got King of the Hill. The first person to get 5 points for models on the hill (or in our case, the skull bridge) wins the game.
Round 1: In the first move, Coffey's Manhunter took out Eiryss. I thought he would move him onto the objective but instead he took out Eiryss. Eventually, I will learn how to use her. All of his other mini's moved up.
My Hunter's took out the Manhunter and the Junior's cast Arcane shield and up kept it for the rest of the game. Darius cast Full Throttle and moved up with his turtle group. He was also able to shoot 2 pressure cannon shots due to Reinholdt. Caine also moved his team up.
Round 2: The Man-o-war shock troopers moved several members onto the bridge to gain the control points. The Sprigan and Devastator also moved onto the bridge.
The Devestator used a cloud effect and took out the Stormsmith and Reinholdt.
The Demo Corp charged a Hunter though he was still alive at the end of it.
My hunter's fought back killing 1 of the Demo Corps. Darius' Turtle group moved forward and engaged the enemy, breaking his protective shell. One Centurion engaged the Devastator (on the left) and the other Centurion engaged the big black one (I think it was a Juggernaut). Though they both did damage, it was not enough to destroy either.
Caine shot Thunderstike at the Behemoth, knocking him back into the Butcher and knocking them both down. Khador gained 3 control points for troops on the bridge.
Round 3: The butcher stood up and moved to the center of the board, just behind the bridge. He popped his feat allowing almost all of his units to roll an extra attack die for each attack. Coffey attacked the open turtle shell, using the Fissure spell from Karchev and knocked down Darius, reducing his defense to 7. The Kovnik moved forward and killed Darius causing the 2 Centurions and the Hammersmith to go inert.
I was pretty much at a loss of what to do once Darius died. I started really looking at Caine and came across his Flash spell and his Feat. With nothing left to do, I flashed Caine into the middle of the bridge and popped his feat. He basically gets 4 shots at every thing in his line of sight and control range. With all is attacks, plus the shots from the Sentinels and Charger, he was able to take out Karchev, causing his battle group to go inert and no longer count for control points on the bridge. The Journemen and Hunter moved forward and were able to kill enough of the Shock troops to cause a leadership check. Surprisingly, they failed! They also no longer counted as troops on the bridge. Now I have to weather the next turn. I gained 3 Control points.
Round 4: The Shock troops fled into my Hunter and attacked but whiffed. The Behemoth killed both of the Journeymen warcasters, opening a line of attack to Caine. The Butcher was able to move to the end of the bridge and cast Avelanch. With a surprisingly high roll, he killed off Caine.
It was a great game and really flipped back and forth. I was surprising how much the objective mattered in this game, as most Warmachine games evolve into Kill the Caster. We had a great time.
Thanks for reading!
Wow, excellent batrep; plenty of great pics and detailed writeup to boot, kudos!
Your army is coming along nicely, it looks great, is Eiryss painted like a ninja, or just a WIP so far? Either way, keep it up!
Eiryss is still a WIP but she will be mostly black in the end. I plan on meeting my October painting deadline but every time I plan on painting, my friend calls to schedule a game. I guess its a good problem to have =)
Hey if you have the mini's why not play with them right? :) Anyway, thanks for the game and the great battle report. I am so jealous of your camera's macro. :( Also, your first Centurion charged Karchev my warcaster. You almost did enough but not quite! He is a beast to kill!
Hey Coffey! Your great painted mini's make the macro look good =) Great Game!
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